Adult Show Results (2008-2017)

Karmøy 25. 25. juli

Fidel A Nicefly won CAC and BOB under judge Svein Helgesen. Congratulation to owner Margit 😀

Skien 13. juli

Fidel Music On Ice won CAC and BOB both days at Karmøy. Congratulations to owners Elsa Storesund and Åge Gjetnes 😀

Skien 12. juli

Ch Fidel Magic Makeup was BOB under judge Nebojsa Savicic from Serbia , and BIG 2 under judge Dagmar Klein from Romania.   

Fidel Muscat won CC and BOB this day too.

Skien 11. juli

Ch Fidel Magic Makeup was BOB, BIG under judge Victor Lobakin from Azerbadsjan, and Best in Show! 

Fidel Muscat won CC and BOB this day.

His mother the veteran Ch Fidel Oliven was BOS, BOB veteran and runner up  Best in Show veteran! 

Klagenfurt 15. juni

Dwarf Fidel Magic Makeup won CC, championtitle and BOB.

Standard Fidel Muscat won CC and BOS.

Judge this day was Martin Baskaran Soto from Spain.

Svenska Puddelnasjonalen 6. 7. juni

Int Slovensk Kroatisk Ch Fidel Castro won his last CAC for the Austrian championtitle at the Int show in Klagenfurt

He is sired by Nord Balt Ch Fidel Lusitano u. N Ch NW Fidel Corvette.

NPK 1. juni

Fidel Eyeliner ble BIR junior for dommer Stefan Wâchter.

Fidel Muscat ble 2 AUK med CK for dommer Lorena Merati.

Int Nord LV HRV Ch NordV05 NVV11 12 13 FIVV12 DKV13 Fidel Argentina ble BIR veteran og BIS 2 veteran.

Fidel Alhambra - Best in Show . Rase-og BIS-dommer Maria Aizcorbe!😀

NKK Drammen 31. mai

På Puddelklubbens hovedutst. debuterte toyhannen Fidel Eyeliner , 9 mnd på dagen, med å vinne BIR! 31 toyer og hard konkurranse. Handler var Gro. Gratulerer eier Aina Tonerud.

Hvite juniortoytispen Fidel Music On Ice var for første gang på utstilling denne helgen, og ble 2 Beste tispe med res. cert. Godt gjort. Gratulerer til eier og handler Elsa Storesund.

Mellomen Fidel Alhambra ble også BIR og BIS 2. Gratulerer til eier Jorunn Aukrust.

Orre 11. mai.

At Int show in Drammen under judge Lene Jacobsen our dwarf female Fidel Magic Makeup won CAC.

NKK Bergen 5. april

The dwarves Fidel Magic Makeup and Fidel Dragonfly won CC and BOB/BOS under judge Dianne Degryze.

They are both sired by Multich Magic Brown S Izmujinkoi Yuliany. Mother of Makeup is Ch Fidel Fire Up and mother of Dragon is the halfsister Int Nord Ch Fidel Firefly.

The min Fidel Alhambra won CC and BOS.

Congrats to owners Mette Nilsen, Jorunn Aukrust and co-owner of Makeup Gudrun S ørenssen.😀

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Letohallen 29. mars

Fidel Dragonfly won CC, CACIB and BOS at the Int show in Bergen. The judge was Hans van der Berg. 

Riga 23. mars

Toy Fidel Magic Makeup CC and BOB.

Dwarf Fidel Dragonfly CC,  BOB and Best poodle by shortlisted in group.

Min Fidel Alhambra CC and BOB.

Standard NJW-13 Fidel Cayenne CC and BOB.

Judge was Kitty Sjong, Denmark.

Riga 22. mars

MultiCh LVW-14 Fidel Run Over was BOB.

LVJ CH LVW-14 Fidel Garlic Girl was BOS. Same results second day at the Int Latvian Winnershow.

Big congratulations to owners/handlers Vika and Vlada 😀.

Letohallen 2. mars

At the Int Latvian Winner show The Norw. bred standards MultiCh Fidel Run Over and his younger fullsister J CH Fidel Garlic Girl was BOB and BOS   

The mins Multich Jasenak Vocebnaja Nocj and LvJ Ch Nicesteps Designer Dress was also BOB and BOS. Both sired by Multich Fidel Berlin.

They all won the title Latvian Winner 2014.

Many congratulations to all involved. 😀

Letohallen 1. mars

Fidel Bernette won CC and BOB 2. day in Letohallen. Judge was Jean Lanning.

The brown toy Fidel Magic Makeup also won CC and BOB.

NKK Bø 22. februar

Fidel St. Petri won CC and BOB again under breed speciality-judge Jakub Kruscek.

Fidel Magic Makeup won CC and BOS.

Hellerudsletta 26. januar 2014

Fidel St. Petri won CC and BOB

N JW-13 Fidel Cayenne won Intermediate and was 3 in Bitch Winnerclass.

Fidel Muscat was 4 in Dog Winnerclass.

Judge at this show was Jouko Leiviska.

Letohallen 29. desember

NJV-13 Fidel Cayenne won CAC under judge Ligita Zake.

Zagreb 22. 23. 24. november

Ch Fidel Buyer On Fire vant BIR på Leto - årets siste utstilling. Gratulerer til eier Vigdis. 

Fidel Musc at won Juniorclass and won res. CC first time shown in his new clip, the continental lion.

Dogs4all 17. november

Int Ch Fidel Castro was BOS and Clubwinner at the show in Zagreb 22. of November.

Argentina was Best Veteran both days at Zagreb Int. show. She became BOB second day and Croatian Veteran Champ.

Multichamp Fidel Butterfly was BOS second day.

Bosnia 27. oktober

Toy : Int Nord DK CH NJW-12 NW-12-13 HEW-12 DKW-13 Fidel Butterfly was BOS. Nicely handled by Gro.

Dwarf : Ch Fidel Buyer On Fire was placed 3. in a hard Best Male-class with CACIB.

Miniature : Int Nord LV Ch NVW-11-12-13 FIVW-12 DKVW-13 Fidel Argentina was BOB-veteran.

Standard : NJW-13 Fidel Cayenne was best junior and got this title.

Rakvere 19. oktober

Ch Fidel Castro won CAC, CACIB, BOB and became International Champion today.

Many congratuletions to owner/handler/groomer Sanja Valkovic😀

Hviterussland 22. september

Baltic Junior Ch is the title for Fidel Garlic Girl after winning CAC, BOB and Group 2 in Rakvere, Estonia.

Many congratulations to owners/handler/groomer Vladislava and Viktorija🙂

Sandnes gr. Rogaland 15. september

Great news from Belarus. My little star LV RU j ch FIDEL GARLIC GIRL today won JCAC, Best Junior and BOS.
 And ................... Best Junior 1st Place!
Now she is Belarus junior champion!
As well as our super brother
Multich FIDEL RUN OVER won BOB and Best In Group 2nd place!
 And another news: for the first time J CH FIDEL GARLIC GIRL and MULTICH FIDEL RUN OVER participated in the couples competition where they won 1st place!

Stavanger NKK

Jorunn Aukrust sine hunder, toytispen  Fidel Nice Ice og mellomtispen Fidel Alhambra vant cert. Dommer var Mrs. Val Walker.

Drammen 8. september

Nord Ch NJV-12 NV-12 HelsV-12 Fidel Butterfly vant CACIB og BIR. Dommer Melanie Harwood.

Drammen 7. september

Nord Ch NJV-12 HelsV-12 Fidel Butterfly ble BIR.

Fidel St.Petri cert og BIR igjen.

Fidel Cayenne cert og BIM. Dommer for pudlene var Nicola Imbimbo.

Polen 25. august

Fidel St.Petri (Joey/ N EE Ch NordJV-10PjarnuV-13 Fidel Vienna) vant cert, BIR og BIG 2.

Gratulerer til eier Laila og flink handler Henrik. Dommer for puddel var Anthony Moran.

NKK Bjerke 25. august

Multi Ch Fidel Run Over vant sin 17. championtittel i Polen med cert, CACIB og BIR.

Lillesøster J Ch Fidel Garlic Girl vant cert og BIM.

Nesbyen 3. august

Fidel Alhambra vant juniorklassen med CK.

Nord Ch NJW-12 HeV-12 Fidel Butterfly fikk CACIB og BIR.

Jaunmarupe 27. 28. juli

Fidel Alhambra var akkurat blitt 9 mnd. og vant sitt første cert og BIR. Dommer var Miklos Levente.

Gratulerer til eier/handler Jorunn Aukrust.🙂

Skien 26., 27. og 28. juli

The siblings   MultiCh Fidel Run Over and J Ch Fidel Garlic Girl did great at big National show in Latvia. Over was BOB both day, BIG 1 and BIG 2.

Garlic BOS both days and became Latvian Junior Champion.

Big congratulations to owners Vika  and Vlada. 

Pjarnu 6. 7. juli

Storpuddeltispen Fidel Cayenne vant sitt første cert og ble BIM på sin debut-helg som voksen. Dommer var Catrine Lebet.

Lille Fidel Nice Ice vant cert og BIR alle 3 dager. Andre dagen ble hun også gruppevinner. Dommer i rase og gruppe var Catrine Lebet.

Umag 8. og 9. juni

N EE Ch NordJV-10 PjarnuV-13 Fidel Vienna vant cert og BIR første dagen på Int utst. i Pjarnu, Estland. Andre dagen ble det cert, CACIB, BIR og beste puddel med BIG 4. /strong

Drammen NKK 2. juni

Ch Fidel Castro (Multich Fidel Lusitano/ CH NV Fidel Corvette) vant cert, CACIB, kroatisk championat og BIR første dagen i Umag, Kroatia. Andre dagen ble han også BIR og BIG 3.

Moskva 2. juni

Fidel Wich Witch (brun toy) vant cert, CACIB og ble BIR  på hennes første utstillingshelg. 

Gratulerer igjen til eier/handler Morten. 😀

N S Ch Fidel Saba Saba (sort mellom tispe) vant championklassen med CK på sin siste utstilling.

Fidel Magic Makeup (brun toy tispe) vant unghundklassen.

NPK 1. juni

Lui-daughter Extra Girl s Tsvetochnoi Poljany - Club Champion Best miniature poodle of annual national specialty, BIS -3. Congratulations to owner/breeder/handler/groomer Olga Archipova. :)

Bergen 6. og 7. april

Mellomen Ch NordJV Fidel Vienna ble Beste tispe på Puddelklubbens, dommer var Ann Ingram.

Pokerdatteren brune dvergen Tachiara Nutella vant cert og ble Bestetispe. Gratulerer til eier/ oppdretter Thea Linkjendal. 

Brune toytispen Fidel Magic Makeup vant sin klasse med CK.

Douglas-datteren brune toyen Fidel Wich Witch vant klassen sin og ble 4 BTK. Gratulerer til eier/handler Morten Ringsrud.


Moskva Eurasia 23.,24. mars

NJV-12 Hels.V-12 Fidel Butterfly vant unghundklassen og ble 3 BTK på puddelspesialen i Bergen. Dommer var Margareth Vear.

PÅ NKK ble det cert, CACIB og BIR for dommer Jackie Kitchener-

N S Ch Fidel Saba Saba vant CACIB.

Moskva 24. mars

DELIGHT EXPRESSION FEDOR SHALYAPIN, photo. (Nord Balt UACh Fidel Lusitano x Klassik Alyans Daniya) -CAC, CACIB, Eurasia-champion and BOB one day in dogshow Eurasia 2. Congratulations to owner/handler/breeder.🙂

And Lui-daughter Ch Extra Girl s Tsvetochnoi Poljany won CAC, CACIB and BOB other day. Congratulations to owner/handler/breeder.🙂

Varahaug 23. mars

Multich Fidel Run Over vant cert, CACIB og BIR på Russlands største utst. -  Eurasia.

Riga 10. mars

Fidel Big Bob vant cert og BIM på Palmeutstillingen i Rogaland. Gratulerer til Øistein og Berit.

NKK Bø 24. februar

Bello-son "Fido" was Best In Show again. At group 9 show in Riga.

And the standard Multi Ch Fidel Run Over was also BOB.

Riga 24. februar

NJW12 HE-W12 Fidel Butterfly won CC, CACIB and BOB under judge Frank Kane, GB.

N S Ch Fidel Saba Saba won CACIB and BOS under same judge.

Moldova 16. og 17. februar

Multi Ch Fidel Run Over was Best in Show again at Group 9-show in Riga. Congratulations to owner/handler/groomer Vika.😀 img src=

Hellerudsletta 9. 0g 10. februar

Multi Ch Fidel Run Over was Best in Show and Runner-Up BIS. 

Many congrats to owner/handler Viktorija. And first time out in his new clip.